View Javadoc

1   /***
2    * Copyright (c) 2003 held jointly by the individual authors.
3    * 
4    * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
5    * the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
6    * Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option)
7    * any later version.
8    * 
9    * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
10   * ANY WARRANTY; with out even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
11   * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License
12   * for more details.
13   * 
14   * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
15   * along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
16   * 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA.
17   *  > >
18   *
19   */
20  package;
22  import java.util.HashMap;
23  import java.util.Locale;
24  import java.util.Map;
26  import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
27  import javax.servlet.jsp.JspException;
29  import net.mlw.vlh.ValueListInfo;
30  import net.mlw.vlh.web.ValueListConfigBean;
31  import net.mlw.vlh.web.tag.TableInfo;
33  import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
34  import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
36  /***
37   * @author Matthew L. Wilson, Andrej Zachar
38   * @version $Revision: 1.20 $ $Date: 2005/11/23 14:37:15 $
39   */
40  public class HtmlDisplayProvider extends AbstractHTMLDisplayProvider
41  {
42     /***
43      * Logger for this class
44      */
45     private static final Log LOGGER = LogFactory.getLog(HtmlDisplayProvider.class);
47     private String imageHome = "images";
49     private boolean preAppendContextPath = false;
51     private boolean usePadding = true;
53     private boolean useNoWrap = true;
55     /***
56      * @see #setImageHome(String) 
57      * @return base image home.
58      */
59     public String getImageHome()
60     {
61        return imageHome;
62     }
64     /***
65      * @see #setPreAppendContextPath(boolean)
66      * @return true, false
67      */
68     public boolean isPreAppendContextPath()
69     {
70        return preAppendContextPath;
71     }
73     /***
74      * 
75      * @return
76      */
77     public boolean isUseNoWrap()
78     {
79        return useNoWrap;
80     }
82     /***
83      * 
84      * @return
85      */
86     public boolean isUsePadding()
87     {
88        return usePadding;
89     }
91     /***
92      * Pre append to <code>imageHome</code> property application context dir.
93      * Default is set to false due to backward compatibility.
94      * <h4>Example
95      * <h4>Considere that valuelist is the name of application context.
96      * <ul>
97      * <li>true</li>
98      * <b>valuelist/ </b>images
99      * <li>false</li>
100     * images
101     * </ul>
102     * 
103     * @param preAppendContextPath
104     */
105    public void setPreAppendContextPath(boolean preAppendAppDir)
106    {
107       this.preAppendContextPath = preAppendAppDir;
108    }
110    /***
111     * Set the default path for images used in paging, focusing and so on.
112     * Default is set to <code>images</code>.
113     * 
114     * @see #setPreAppendContextPath(boolean)
115     * @param dir
116     *            <h4>Example
117     *            <h4>
118     *            <ul>
119     *            <li>/myProject/images/microsoftLook</li>
120     *            generate html for image like this &lt; alt="Sort"
121     *            src="/myProject/images/microsoftLook/..." &gt;
122     *            <li>images/microsoftLook</li>
123     *            generate html for image like this &lt; alt="Sort"
124     *            src="images/microsoftLook/..." &gt;
125     *            </ul>
126     */
127    public void setImageHome(String dir)
128    {
129       imageHome = dir;
130    }
132    /***
133     * Get the HTML that comes before the column text.
134     * 
135     * @return The HTML that comes before the column text.
136     */
137    public String getHeaderCellPreProcess(ColumnInfo columnInfo, ValueListInfo info)
138    {
139       StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
140       sb.append("\n    <th");
141       if (useNoWrap)
142       {
143          sb.append(" nowrap=\"true\"");
144       }
145       if (columnInfo != null)
146       {
147          if (columnInfo.getToolTip() != null)
148          {
149             sb.append(" title=\"").append(columnInfo.getToolTip()).append("\""); // html attribute title renderes a toolTip
150          }
151          if (columnInfo.getAttributes() != null)
152          {
153             sb.append(" ").append(columnInfo.getAttributes());
154          }
155       }
156       sb.append(">");
157       if (usePadding)
158       {
159          sb.append("&nbsp;");
160       }
161       return sb.toString();
162    }
164    /***
165     * Formats the text to be displayed as the header by wraping it in a link if
166     * sorting is enabled. Alt (hint) is localized, please define in your
167     * property file for messages the property "sorting"
168     * 
169     * @param columnInfo The ColumnInfo.
170     * @param tableInfo The TableInfo.
171     * @param info The ValueListInfo.
172     * @return The formated HTML.
173     */
174    public String getHeaderLabel(ColumnInfo columnInfo, TableInfo tableInfo, ValueListInfo info, Map includeParameters)
175    {
177       ValueListConfigBean config = tableInfo.getConfig();
178       Map parameters = new HashMap(includeParameters);
180       if (columnInfo.getDefaultSort() != null)
181       {
182          // Get the current sort column and direction.
183          String column = info.getSortingColumn();
184          Integer direction = info.getSortingDirection();
186          parameters.put(ValueListInfo.PAGING_NUMBER_PER + tableInfo.getId(), String.valueOf(info.getPagingNumberPer()));
187          parameters.put(ValueListInfo.PAGING_PAGE + tableInfo.getId(), "1");
188          parameters.put(ValueListInfo.SORT_COLUMN + tableInfo.getId(), columnInfo.getAdapterPropertyName());
189          parameters
190                .put(
191                      ValueListInfo.SORT_DIRECTION + tableInfo.getId(),
192                      ((columnInfo.getAdapterPropertyName().equals(column)) ? (ValueListInfo.ASCENDING.equals(direction) ? ValueListInfo.DESCENDING
193                            : ValueListInfo.ASCENDING)
194                            : columnInfo.getDefaultSort()));
196          if (info.isFocusEnabled())
197          {
198             parameters.put(ValueListInfo.DO_FOCUS + tableInfo.getId(), info.isDoFocusAgain() ? "true" : "false");
199             if (info.getFocusProperty() != null)
200             {
201                parameters.put(ValueListInfo.FOCUS_PROPERTY + tableInfo.getId(), info.getFocusProperty());
202             }
203             if (info.getFocusValue() != null)
204             {
205                parameters.put(ValueListInfo.FOCUS_VALUE + tableInfo.getId(), info.getFocusValue());
206             }
207          }
209          StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
211          renderHeaderLabelLink(sb, columnInfo, tableInfo, info, parameters);
213          if (columnInfo.getAdapterPropertyName().equals(column))
214          {
215             if (usePadding)
216             {
217                sb.append("&nbsp;");
218             }
219             sb.append("<img src=\"").append(getImageHome((HttpServletRequest) tableInfo.getPageContext().getRequest())).append("/sort(");
220             sb.append((ValueListInfo.ASCENDING.equals(direction) ? ValueListInfo.DESCENDING : ValueListInfo.ASCENDING));
221             sb.append(").png\" border=\"0\"/>");
222          }
223          else if (columnInfo.getDefaultSort() != null)
224          {
225             Locale locale = config.getLocaleResolver().resolveLocale((HttpServletRequest) (tableInfo.getPageContext().getRequest()));
226             String altSort;
227             try
228             {
229                altSort = config.getDisplayHelper().help(tableInfo.getPageContext(),
230                      config.getMessageSource().getMessage("sorting", null, "Sort", locale));
231             }
232             catch (JspException e)
233             {
234                LOGGER.error("getHeaderLabel() - Error getting property 'sorting' : " + e.getMessage()
235                      + " Locale locale = " + locale
236                      + ", String column = " + column + " using defalt hint for sorting images.");
238                altSort = "Sort";
239             }
241             sb.append(((usePadding) ? "&nbsp;" : "")).append("<img alt=\"").append(altSort).append("\" src=\"").append(
242                   getImageHome((HttpServletRequest) tableInfo.getPageContext().getRequest())).append("/sort(null).png\" border=\"0\"/>");
243          }
245          return sb.toString();
247       }
248       else
249       {
250          return columnInfo.getTitle();
251       }
252    }
254    /***
255     * Renders a link as a header of the column if the sorting is enabled. Subclasses can overide or extend the method to provide different behaviour.  
256     * 
257     * @param sb StringBuffer to render into
258     * @param columnInfo The ColumnInfo.
259     * @param tableInfo The TableInfo.
260     * @param info The ValueListInfo.
261     * @param parameters Map of parameters
262     */
263    protected void renderHeaderLabelLink(StringBuffer sb, ColumnInfo columnInfo, TableInfo tableInfo, ValueListInfo info, Map parameters)
264    {
266       // String column = info.getSortingColumn();
267       // Integer direction = info.getSortingDirection();
269       sb.append("<a href=\"").append(tableInfo.getUrl());
271       sb.append(tableInfo.getConfig().getLinkEncoder().encode(tableInfo.getPageContext(), parameters));
273       sb.append("\">").append(columnInfo.getTitle()).append("</a>");
274    }
276    /***
277     * Return imageHome, if is needed, return it with prefix "appDir"
278     * 
279     * @param pageContext
280     * @param HttpServletRequest -if null, skip appending appDir-contextPath
281     * @return String that represent images home dir.
282     */
283    public String getImageHome(HttpServletRequest request)
284    {
285       if (preAppendContextPath && request != null)
286       {
287          if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled())
288          {
289             LOGGER.debug("Preappending context path='" + request.getContextPath() + "' to image Home '" + imageHome + "'.");
290          }
291          return request.getContextPath() + "/" + imageHome;
292       }
293       return imageHome;
294    }
296    /***
297     * Get the HTML that comes after the column text.
298     * 
299     * @return The HTML that comes after the column text.
300     */
301    public String getHeaderCellPostProcess()
302    {
303       return ((usePadding) ? "&nbsp;" : "") + "</th>";
304    }
306    public String getCellPreProcess(Attributes attributes)
307    {
308       return (attributes == null) ? "\n<td>" : "\n<td " + attributes.getCellAttributesAsString() + ">" + ((usePadding) ? "&nbsp;" : "");
309    }
311    public String getCellPostProcess()
312    {
313       return ((usePadding) ? "&nbsp;" : "") + "</td>";
314    }
316    /***
317     * @see java.lang.Object#toString()
318     */
319    public String toString()
320    {
321       return "Images home(without context path): " + getImageHome(null) + " - " + super.toString();
322    }
324    /***
325     * @param usePadding The usePadding to set.
326     */
327    public void setUsePadding(boolean usePadding)
328    {
329       this.usePadding = usePadding;
330    }
332    /***
333     * @param useNoWrap The useNoWrap to set.
334     */
335    public void setUseNoWrap(boolean useNoWrap)
336    {
337       this.useNoWrap = useNoWrap;
338    }
340 }