1 /***
2 * Copyright (c) 2003 held jointly by the individual authors. This library is
3 * free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of
4 * the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software
5 * Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later
6 * version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
7 * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; with out even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
8 * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public
9 * License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser
10 * General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free
11 * Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307
12 * USA. > http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lesser.html >
13 * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/lgpl-license.php
14 */
15 package net.mlw.vlh.web.tag;
17 import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
19 import javax.servlet.jsp.JspException;
20 import javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.BodyTagSupport;
22 import net.mlw.vlh.web.tag.support.ParamAddable;
23 import net.mlw.vlh.web.tag.support.Spacer;
24 import net.mlw.vlh.web.util.JspUtils;
26 import org.apache.commons.beanutils.PropertyUtils;
27 import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
28 import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
30 /***
31 * The tag that append parameters to url for any paramaddable tag in table,such
32 * are tag for root and tag for action.
33 *
34 * @author Andrej Zachar
35 * @version $Revision: 1.11 $ $Date: 2005/11/23 14:51:53 $
36 */
37 public class AddParamTag extends BodyTagSupport
38 {
40 private static final long serialVersionUID = 6118198463511925234L;
42 /***
43 * Logger for this class
44 */
45 private static final Log LOGGER = LogFactory.getLog(AddParamTag.class);
47 /*** The name of the parameter used in rendered URL. */
48 private String name = null;
50 /***
51 * The name of the dynamic property, which values are used like the
52 * attribute value, but dynamicaly retrevied for the each row.
53 */
54 private String property = null;
56 /***
57 * The static value of the attribute name used in rendered URL like
58 * url?(ACTION_TEMP_PARAM_PREFIX)name=value .
59 */
60 private String value = null;
62 /***
63 * if true, append prefix ACTION_TEMP_PARAM_PREFIX before every action
64 * parameter.
65 */
66 private boolean temp = false;
68 /***
69 * @throws NoSuchMethodException
70 * @throws InvocationTargetException
71 * @throws IllegalAccessException
72 * @see javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.Tag#doStartTag()
73 */
74 public int doStartTag() throws JspException
75 {
76 ParamAddable parent = (ParamAddable) JspUtils.getParent(this, ParamAddable.class);
78 if ((property != null) && (value != null))
79 {
80 final String message = "For one parameter" + name
81 + "you can not use two values (first dynamic from the property, 2nd static from the value";
82 LOGGER.error(message);
83 throw new JspException(message);
84 }
86 if (name == null)
87 {
90 name = property;
91 }
93 if (property != null)
94 {
95 DefaultRowTag rowTag = (DefaultRowTag) JspUtils.getParent(this, DefaultRowTag.class);
96 Object bean = pageContext.getAttribute(rowTag.getBeanName());
97 if (bean != null && !(bean instanceof Spacer))
98 {
99 try
100 {
101 value = String.valueOf(PropertyUtils.getProperty(bean, property));
102 }
103 catch (Exception e)
104 {
105 LOGGER.error("<vlh:addParam> Error getting property '" + property + "'.");
106 value = null;
107 }
108 }
109 else
110 {
111 if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled())
112 {
113 LOGGER.debug("Row's JavaBean '" + rowTag.getBeanName() + "' is null or Valuelist is empty!");
114 }
115 value = null;
116 }
117 }
119 if (value == null)
120 {
121 if (LOGGER.isInfoEnabled())
122 {
123 LOGGER.info("The param '" + addActionParamPrefix(name) + "' is skiped, because it's value is null!");
124 }
125 }
126 else
127 {
129 parent.addParam(addActionParamPrefix(name), value);
130 if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled())
131 {
132 LOGGER.debug("The param '" + addActionParamPrefix(name) + "' was added with the value '" + value + "'.");
133 }
134 }
136 release();
138 return SKIP_BODY;
139 }
141 /***
142 * @param param
143 * Add action param prefix if it is a temp parameter.
144 */
145 protected String addActionParamPrefix(String param)
146 {
147 if (isTemp())
148 {
149 return ActionTag.ACTION_TEMP_PARAM_PREFIX + param;
150 }
151 else
152 {
153 return param;
154 }
155 }
157 /***
158 * @see javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.BodyTagSupport#doAfterBody()
159 */
160 public int doAfterBody() throws JspException
161 {
162 bodyContent.clearBody();
163 return SKIP_BODY;
164 }
166 /***
167 * @see javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.Tag#doEndTag()
168 */
169 public int doEndTag() throws JspException
170 {
171 int result = super.doEndTag();
172 reset();
173 return result;
174 }
176 /***
177 * @return Returns the property.
178 */
179 public String getProperty()
180 {
181 return this.property;
182 }
184 /***
185 * @param property
186 * The property to set.
187 */
188 public void setProperty(String property)
189 {
190 this.property = property;
191 }
193 /***
194 * @return Returns the name.
195 */
196 public String getName()
197 {
198 return this.name;
199 }
201 /***
202 * @param name
203 * The url parameter name to set.
204 */
205 public void setName(String name)
206 {
207 this.name = name;
208 }
210 /***
211 * @return Returns the value.
212 */
213 public String getValue()
214 {
215 return this.value;
216 }
218 /***
219 * @param value The value to set.
220 */
221 public void setValue(String value)
222 {
223 this.value = value;
224 }
226 /***
227 * @return Returns the temp.
228 */
229 public boolean isTemp()
230 {
231 return temp;
232 }
234 /***
235 * Default is false. If true,
236 * append prefix ACTION_TEMP_PARAM_PREFIX before every action parameter.
237 * @param temp The temp to set.
238 */
239 public void setTemp(boolean temp)
240 {
241 this.temp = temp;
242 }
244 private void reset()
245 {
246 this.name = null;
247 this.property = null;
248 this.temp = false;
249 this.value = null;
250 }
252 /***
253 * Called on a Tag handler to release state.
254 * The page compiler guarantees that JSP page implementation
255 * objects will invoke this method on all tag handlers,
256 * but there may be multiple invocations on doStartTag and doEndTag in between.
257 *
258 * @see javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.Tag#release()
259 */
260 public void release()
261 {
262 super.release();
263 reset();
264 }
265 }